World Wide Digi DX Contest
Best 60 min QSO rate: 79.
Log segment below includes 9 invalid QSOs that were not counted
for the record.*
From ../publiclogs/2019/lx7i.log
START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: WW-DIGI CALLSIGN: LX7I LOCATION: DX CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-ASSISTED: ASSISTED CATEGORY-BAND: ALL CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH CATEGORY-MODE: DIGI CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: TWO CLAIMED-SCORE: 392343 NAME: Helmut Mueller OPERATORS: DF7EE CLUB: Rhein Rhur DX Assosiation CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger+ 1.0.7925.0 SOAPBOX: Log sent in 3 minutes after the contest - thanks for this new contest! END-OF-LOG: View complete log: ../publiclogs/2019/lx7i.log The best 1 minute rates were:
*Definition of valid QSOs
The rate calculation includes all QSOs that count for raw score credit. The following are not included in the rate record calculation, but may be included in The log above.
The intent of removing these QSOs is to reward records based on valid QSOs by removing QSO lines that are invalid or incomplete.