World Wide Digi DX Contest

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Call Category Comments
JH1WOYSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH3DMQSO QRP 40MRig : IC-7300M ANT : DP 19.5mH OATH :PWR Down. I swer using QRP5W OUT
JH6QILSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JH9DRLSO HP ALLTS-990S 200W Vartical 8mH
JI1IKCSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JI1SMASO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI2IXASO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JI4WHSSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1DVP/PSO LP 40MI enjoyed the contest
JK8NIPSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JL3ZHUMSHI enjoyed the contest
JR1EMOSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR7IWLSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
K3AJMSHK3AJ operated from the shck, K3WA operated remotely
K3ORCSO LP ALLThis year's contest was like sailing upwind in a gale here. Still fun
K4MESO LP ALLFirst time using JT4/8. Need to practice more!
K5IFASO LP ALLFirst WW-DIGI for me! Super fun contest! Many thanks to the organizers and to all who worked me! 73!
K5VIPSO HP ALLHad major problems using N1MM+, so resorted to WSJT-X and JTAlert with logging done in DXKeeper. Also had problems with WSJT-X but was able to recover each time. The audio disappeared after operating perfectly for a couple of hours. Closed and restarted WSJT-X each time, and the audio was working again. Imported an ADI file from DXKeeper into N1MM+ to create the Cabrillo file. That seemed to work, but, upon examination, I discovered that N1MM+ hadn't assigned points for many of the Qs. You can't fix that by editing the Q unfortunately. Therefore, I have no idea what my score actually is. The distance facit of scoring this contest means that it's impractical to try to compute the score manually. This contest is definitely not my favorite!
K5ZDSO HP ALLThis is a slow motion video game. I heard so much great DX that could not hear me through the QRM. Conditions at the end of the contest were great - I didn't want to stop!
K6GHASO LP ALLMostly done for the HiQP, but maybe next year if it doesn't fall on the same weekend. Funny how so many additional folks worked me when my CQ was CQ HI ... -)
K6TJSO LP ALLPro 3, Ridge antennas, N1MM/WSJT Next time I'll click the 'WW Digi' button under Settings | Advanced | Special. Many worked stations were logged without their grid square
K7VITSO LP ALLDue to limited time, I could only spend a limited time in this contest. I enjoyed this outing if not the disturbed geo-mag conditions. :-( I very much appreciate the work done by the WSJT-X team to avoid the NIL syndrome some have had in past DIGI contests. Unfortunately, operating styles of some may introduce this again. I was calling CQ on FT-4. On a handful of occasions, an OP would call. I answered. No response. Then I saw the person who had called me working another station. Hmmm-the OP must not have heard me. I either CQ-ed again or called someone else CQ-ing. Then 90 seconds to maybe 2 minutes later, the OP sends 'RR73' to me. His grid info was cleared and had long since scrolled out of site. I could not log the OP. I wondered if the OP was using a multi-QSO software or something. Thanks to all who answered my calls. I'll be back. :-)) 73, Jerry
K8LFSO HP ALLMy first time in the contest. I used native WSJT-X in contest mode for logging. This seemed to work well but had to do some edits to the file to get things right. Also WSJT-X had no way to calculate the score. I might do N1MM next year. I really liked using FT4. When I could find stations on FT4, it was much more fun to operate. When going back to FT8 seemed really slow. Worked about 16 hours of the contest. I started about 30 minutes late and other than meal breaks worked until about 1 AM then another hour in the morning. That hour in the morning was productive for multipliers out of Asia & AU & ZL areas all on 40M. I keep track of multipliers on paper could not see a way to track them in Grid Tracker add-on. Grid Tracker was fun to watch. Not sure what I can put in for a score at 3830Scores web site. Maybe I will try to import a log to N1MM to get a score. I really tried to get others in my PVRC chapter excited and interested in joining in the contest. Looking forward to next year
KB4KBSSO LP 20M2 hours total operating time over a six hour period where I had many interruptions to take care of family needs
KB4OLMSO LP ALLLost 6 hours due to storms, had lots of computer issues, but all in all it was fun, watch out next year. 73's Clint - KB4OLM
KC4RCRSO LP ALLFirst digital contest. Thanks for a great event!
KD4IZSO QRP ALLslow... only had 1 hour @ QRP
KE6JACSO LP ALLSpent a few hours on the contest. Not a serious contender. Submitting the log to minimize issues for those that were more serious and need confirmation of contacts
KG4WSO HP ALLVery nice fun contest. In S&P, I found lots of stations would only respond to callers who called on their freq
KP2BSO LP ALLNice Contest but bad propagation
KV4ZYSO LP ALLCasual operating just for fun
KZ2TSO HP 20MMy first contest in memory of my very best friend Urb LeJeune - W1UL (formerly W2DEC) who passed away due to COVID related illness. Every time I xmit I hope his released energy hears me, because I hear him every time I receive. https://www.qcwa.org/w1ul-35031-sk.htm
LW6HARSO LP ALLFun contest!
M0URLSO LP ALLFirst Time to enter this contest
N1EKSO HP ALLThanks to the organizers for sponsoring this great contest
N3AMLSO LP ALLBands were not great at times but had lots of fun
N3FAASO LP 40MFun contest as always!
N3HEESO LP ALLFirst time for this contest. Lots of fun !
N4IWSO LP ALLLots of FUN! Thanks!
N6DWSO HP ALLJust 3 hours but still had a lot of fun. Plenty of DX on, and WSJT-X/N1MM+ worked flawlessly for me
N6EESO HP ALLI operated from NNY - Northern New York - and this option is not available in the drop down selection list of your Cabrillo submission form
N6XISO LP ALLWhy don't folks use FT4 more, especially on bands other than 20M?
N7BVSO HP 15MThanks for all the contacts
N7GHZSO LP ALLHad to end early due to severe thunder & lightning storms in area for hours & hours!
N7UVHSO LP ALLlow power was not able to get some good multi points, but with so2r able to get a good qso count. I should have gone high power single op for the better grid score
N7ZZSO LP ALLmajor electrical storm after dark made 80 tough and 160 impossible

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