World Wide Digi DX Contest

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JH3DMQSO QRP 40MANT: CD-330V V-DP 19.8mH RIG: FTdx-101DM OATH: I swer PWR down QRP 5W
JH4UTPMMV. ENTRY CATEGORIES: B. Multi-Operator Categories (all-band operation only): Any number of operators is allowed. But Log Check page said Multi-operator category requires you to enter more than one operator!
JH4UYBMSHGreat contest !
JH6QILSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI4WHSSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JL1WRVSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JM7GTKSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
K1DCSO LP ALLI had multiple conflicting events this weekend so my radio time was very limited. I did hop on where I could to hand out a few points. I look forward to the next one!
K2RETSO HP ALLYaesu FTdx-3000, Acom1500 @ 700w, Force 12 C4 & wires for 80 & 160m
K4QDSO LP ALLFirst time in four years I participated in the WW-DIGI. Time was somewhat limited due to family commitments. Enjoyed the contest and the great participation even though I only had my IC-7300 and a 40M EFHW antenna
K5IFASO LP 10MThis was the fourth WW-DIGI contest for me, and it was great fun again! Many thanks to the organizers and to all who worked me! 73!
K5ZDSO LP ALLOnly part time. Conditions seemed good. Activty was excellent. FT8 always seemed more productive than FT4
K6MTUM2We are pleased to exceed our M2 score from last year, which set the World M2 Record. Equipment problems this year will probably mean we aren't first in M2 and no new record for us. We had a good start on 80m and 40m, considering it was 5 AM in the morning local time, and only dedicated contesters and the late night Asian operators were on. As daylight arrived we moved up to 20m/10m and 15m. 10 hours in, the amplifier failed for 20m and 10m - long before we had completed our fill. The amp had been 'indicating' strange, but had been putting our RF just fine up to then. The 15m amp was fine, so we continued with a lop-sided KW and 100w M2 operation. We got to 40m perhaps a bit late, and had a high rate of 1-point contacts. 80m struggled with only 100w. At 20 hours in, decode problems started, and one radio stopped transmitting. Only one operator was running both stations, so he got distracted from rate trying to solve the problems. We limped to the finish line with a new record score for us, but probably 2nd place in M2. The other 'technical equipment' worked fine, the VPN, station-site PC, logging, Antennas, switches, filters, rotators, ... Thank you K6TD for the work this summer to keep things running. Thank you for the contacts! K6TD Kevin K6UFO Mark ND2T Tom NN6U John W0YK Ed from the mighty K6MTU station on Mt. Umunhum, CA two Flex 6700 with SmartSDR two Alpha 9500 amplifiers 80m 4-square array JK 4 el 40m yagi at 110 feet JK Mid-Tri yagis at 95 and 45 feet high Writelog, DigiRite
K7STOSO LP 20Mreally enjoyed the contest
K7SYSSO LP 20MI really enjoy this event! Keep it up and made add another?
K8LFSO HP ALLGlad to work the contest. As always the sequence between non-contester is a problem however, its better then it used to be. Working FT4 was the way to go. FT8 just seemed way to slow
K9QHSO LP ALLMy first FT8 contest, usually do RTTY or CW. Was a learning experience but had a good time! Thanks
K9SATSO LP ALLToo many contest this weekend! Good effort for two hours of op time
KD4RHSO LP 20MVery limited operating time. 1 hour. 70 watts, 20m inverted vee at 50 feet
KH6RDOSO LP ALLRan in contest during Hurricane Hone while experiencing multiple power outages and running on auxiliary power
KI5PEDSO LP ALLI only operated for about an hour and a half because I was out of the house most of Saturday. Still, it felt good to dust off the FT8 setup after several months of not using it. Propagation seemed very good on 20 and 40 (around 09:00 UTC) with +1 dB or greater signals from multiple VK stations! Mates, are you all running Yagis or QRO down under? TNX to everyone I worked, especially VK, J, and ZL for those sweet distance bonus points. 73
KN6OKYSO QRP ALLFantastic conditions and I was thrilled to get more QSO's into the log. Many thanks for all that worked me or answered my QRZ. Looking forward to next year
KO2THFSO LP ALLFirst WW Digi contest!
KQ4THISO LP 10MFirst Contest!
KQ4YSO LP ALLNote that per the rules, I reside in Florida. I was operating, from Florida, a station located in NY
KR7DSO HP ALLThank you for the QSOs
KS7TSO LP 20MI really would like sig reports for exchange rather than grid but put in the rules to include grid when calling stns or cq Reason is only could work a handful of Eu. stns but saw much more So would help to know how my 100w. is doing in the poor cndx
KT0PSO LP 15MA few QSOs while 15M was fading out
MM1ZSO LP ALLThanks for the contest!
N1EKSO HP ALLMany thanks to the organizers! Seemed to be more participation this year!
N1KTMMEveryone enjoyed this contest. We plan on operating every year
N4IWSO LP ALLI put in a fairly serious effort on this one though I had an obligation that took me out for quite a bit of prime 40-meter time Friday evening. My goal was to do better than last year which I accomplished. Going up against high power stations that have directional and/or other superior antennas is challenging for sure, but I am content with my station right now. Last year I had 279 contacts and this year I had 300. Last year my score was 20,925. This year I understood the scoring better and worked hard on getting Multipliers and longer distance contacts, so my score was well over double at 56,547. I definitely enjoy FT4 more than FT8. I don?t understand why more people don?t work FT4 since it?s twice as fast. There were loads of people operating not in the contest so quite a few contacts got stuck in a seemingly endless loop. I discovered that if I forced my system to send the RR73 after the necessary contest exchange was completed, it would force his system to send the 73 and end the contact with everybody?s computer happy. I knew about the ?Right Click H? toggle feature in WSJT-X 2.7.0 RC6, but I don?t have RC6 loaded. Had I known there would be so many on frequency, not in the contest, I would have loaded it. I was fortunate to work many PVRCers including the following Central Virginia PVRC members: NN4RB, K4XL, and W1IE on 3 bands. Thanks for the Qs!
N8VWSO LP ALLRemote from my living room. Many episodes of Star Trek where watched during this operation
N9OKSO HP ALLFirst time operating in the WW Digi contest. Had setup issues for the first several hours so got a late start. Overall it was pretty fun. Turns out I like FT4 more than FT8, due to the much higher pace
N9TCASO HP ALLI really appreciate the SMC Championship Medals program for the motivation to plan out a year of contesting with a goal. This was the first contest I selected to put in a serious effort towards a specific points count. Nineteen more points to go :-) This was maybe only my second time seriously using the FT modes and I can see it can be addicting. FT4 was way more fun than 8 because you couldn't get distracted waiting for the next cycle. Funny how seconds matter. Thanks to all the SMC'er (and everyone) in the log. Now on to ARRL VHF
NA5MSO LP ALLIcom 7300 ' 40,80m iv @60' Great contest, thanks. Lots of activity this year. I stayed busy all 24 hours making mistakes. Mostly S&P hunting multipliers. Worked about 10% FT4
NL8FSO HP ALLThis was a fun one I wish I had more time for it Tim
NN7OSO LP ALLThat was fun! hadn't tried a Digi contest before . .
OE1VMCSO LP 40MANT: Wideband Folded Dipole (WBFD) at 6m AGL
OE1XTUM2First time trying as team with two transmitters. We recommend Multi OP operation because it's more fun that you can teach, learn and discuss while working the contest. Also, a single operator can easily work two bands simultaneously
OH1TMSO HP ALLMy 1st ever WW digi! Thanks!
OM8CDSO LP ALLTRX YAESU FT-710 with tuner MFJ-929 and EFHW antenna

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